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CAPTAIN the #1 TPI Sire!

He did it, CAPTAIN is the #1 PROVEN TPI Sire of the Breed!

GenoSource CAPTAIN topped the list and we could not be more proud of humbled to have bred such a strong and impactful sire! With a 139-point jump in TPI, CAPTAIN solidifies his spot on the Proven list, pushing the genetic needle forward through the 2022 December Proof Run!CAPTAIN is now +3214 TPI +1238 NM$!

Captain’s story is a bit different than most young GTPI sires as we kept him on farm for a while before he headed to his home at STgenetics. Our kids, our grandparents, our whole family really invested our hearts into this bull when he was young and we couldn’t be happier to see all he has achieved, today is a day we will not soon forget!

We have hosted tours all fall and the request we hear the most is to see Captain daughters! After each tour we hear over and over again, “Wow, they are just really nice young cows, so consistent too!” and we couldn’t agree more. They have high and wide rear udders, great teat placement, perfect size for our type of farm, provide us with great components and keep getting better day by day!

We also would just like to thank all those involved in Captain’s success at STgenetics, from the sire team at Vienna and Fond du Lac to the sales team taking his genetics to the farm and finally to the breeders who invest in this bull, we hope you see the same potential and returns in his daughters as we have!

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